Sale!How Limiting Beliefs are Judgements of Self In this class we will discuss the closed mind, which is limiting beliefs. How this impacts your journey, energy field and how it's related to Judgement of self and why? Impactful clarity as Julius continues to provide what they have promised us. Full truth of self.
Julius will talk deeply on the energies related to our glandular system in the body. This workshop will support both physical and Metaphysical aspects of the body.Please join us for this fascinating topic and allow the information to help empower you to understand your body's needs and how to assist in the reactivation of some of these glands for yourself and for you rejuvenating process.
Soul Sovereignty In this powerful workshop Julius will align you with information on not only your Soul, but the Human experience and how it's designed to empower your Soul. Most Soul teachings are about surrender, sacrifice, contracts, agreements, and purpose for the Soul. This subject of Sovereignty will blow your mind and take you to a much higher understanding of all that you are.