
To Be or Not to Be Is Always The Question


Doing the Two-Step It’s confusing, downright lonely and feels like a tightrope walk with one foot in the world and the other on your conscious journey. Not a lot of fun, you sometimes think. And it always seems like you take two steps forward and one step back or even a couple of steps more till you’re out of sync with everything. To top it all, there’s Julius telling you to find joy in every moment. And you’d like to throw the towel in! How often have all of us set off our day with a bang, a feel-good state with inspiring energy work [...]

To Be or Not to Be Is Always The Question2022-10-20T12:02:01-06:00

Five Ways to Clear Communication with Guides


Do You Recognize When You Are Connected?Do you look with awe and maybe even a touch of envy at the ‘chosen’ ones who seem to be able to connect with their guides easily and clearly? It just seems a tad bit unfair that others are pros at heavy- duty communication with higher wisdom while you’re still struggling to be a ‘good person’ and become more deserving. Whatever that means and whenever that happens.In a recent teaching, Julius said, “Your soul is not an individual. It is part of a mass collaboration that is Source.”Part of that mass collaboration is the guides that help us, whether [...]

Five Ways to Clear Communication with Guides2022-10-20T20:00:07-06:00

A Long-Forgotten Remembrance


The Vital Remembrance What is the key to an adventurous, happy, fulfilled and fun-filled life? A vital remembrance! “If you hold steadfast in your knowing of limited thought, limited experience and very limited acceptance, then your life will be a demonstration of that limitedness.” ~ Julius Our lives are a demonstration of our knowing. If we know lack, limitation, low self-worth, mundaneness and stress, that is exactly how everything in our lives is going to play itself out in a mirror consciousness effect of all that we are signalling to the universe. “By expanding and broadening your knowing, you become more. You become [...]

A Long-Forgotten Remembrance2022-11-04T12:11:06-06:00

You and I are One – The True Knowing!


  Do You Consider Your Empathy a Gift? You enter a room and with just a swift glance around, you pick up the vibrations of one or more people that need your brand of solace, support and energy. A great many envy you this gift, but you find it more of a burden than a blessing. You are an empath who is still to master the path of empathy. It is not a lonely road. All great teachers of enlightenment, sages and masters were and are empaths. All of us, without exception, are or will develop empathic abilities as we continue on our conscious journey. [...]

You and I are One – The True Knowing!2022-11-16T16:51:48-07:00

8 Ways To Decipher Between Your Altered Ego State And Your Soul


Most of us switch between our altered ego state and the soul. And sometimes it’s hard to know the difference because as we strive to be more love-based, the altered ego seems to mimic the soul and therein lies the confusion.1. The most obvious and well-known difference is that all your fear-based thoughts, emotions and actions are from the altered ego state. The soul is all that is empowered and loving.2. The soul is spontaneous in its love. The altered ego thinks and ponders and goes into convolutions about the giving or receiving of love. Have you spontaneously hugged someone or bought someone a gift on [...]

8 Ways To Decipher Between Your Altered Ego State And Your Soul2022-12-01T13:21:15-07:00

The Child You Left Behind


Seeing Through the Eyes of a Child It was only when Ruth* had her own child that she began to have recollections of a time that had been quite magical when she was very young. As she saw her toddler drift off into another space and reality in the midst of playing with a toy or looking at some images, she remembered a sense of expansiveness and no boundaries, of being surrounded by many beings and delightful interactions even though she couldn’t recollect what they were about. It was a state of pure being that she recognized in her son as he smiled into space [...]

The Child You Left Behind2023-01-19T21:33:31-07:00

The Path of the Light Step!


Do You Know Where Your Inspiration Comes From? When Cathy*, a medical student, would think of what line of medicine she would like to specialize in, she was for some inexplicable reason drawn to working in the field of spinal injuries or she got the strong urge to be a part of a disaster relief team. It was years later, when she managed to combine both in an interesting and rewarding career that she first got an inkling as to why she was drawn to these two fields. As she was sitting one day in her special space where she liked to spend some me-time [...]

The Path of the Light Step!2023-01-20T10:27:22-07:00

Fractalized Thoughts. What’s That About?


Is It Manifestation or Magic? Ann*, John*, and Alex* meet with a group of other professionals once a week to discuss various aspects of the law of attraction and related theories. They’ve been doing this for the past 3 years, yet they will be the first to tell you that their manifestation endeavours are more of a hit-and-miss affair than a sure thing. Alex says he believes that he can manifest all the wealth he wants, but he still has the fear that he could run out of money. What are the intricacies of manifestation that are still eluding them?  Why is it that [...]

Fractalized Thoughts. What’s That About?2023-03-02T12:33:40-07:00

In The Eternal Dance of Your Creation.


Are We Born Creative? It’s not that some of us are creative and others are not. Nor is it that the logical, rational, left-brained individuals completely miss out of the creative gravy train. That’s impossible because creativeness is the essence of our being. We as light beings created all that is in creation. How did we create the fragrance of a rose, the claw of a bird, the taste of a mango, the cry of a leopard? Through feeling a certain way about a thought, an inspiration, an idea. Creative flow is your soul demonstrating its emotions.~ Julius Think. Feel. [...]

In The Eternal Dance of Your Creation.2023-03-17T10:13:43-06:00

Lift me. Out of all constraints.


Are You Feeling Boxed In? The very idea that we could be in any kind of a box is not very pleasing, even when we try to have no judgment about it. It’s like being in a cage, no matter how gilded, that keeps us limited, bound within narrow parameters and dissatisfied. It’s not just the mundaneness, the stagnation, that gets to us, there is a kind of sadness to think and feel we can’t be and do more. That sense of settling for less because somewhere within our being we hold an idea that compromise is what life is all about; being happy and [...]

Lift me. Out of all constraints.2023-03-30T17:43:54-06:00
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