
Free Will


You Are More Than Enough We all struggle with issues of self empowerment. Otherwise we would have mastered the realm and ascended by now.Self worth, shame, or perhaps even more complex viewing of self is our down fall and like all judgments when we don’t consider ourselves as enough then we judge the very core components of Source itself.What is enough? Who is enough? Is there enough? You may be blown away with how this topic relates to your acceptance of anything.Not having or being enough may be our perspective. If we carry this form of self judgement [...]

Free Will2022-04-21T12:35:55-06:00

From Less Than To Infinity


Just Beyond that Doorway Lies… If there is one full stop that we keep banging against at every turn, and some will say, almost in every moment in life, it is the sense and the feeling of not being good enough. It can be an overwhelming grayness that threatens to spin us into the 3 Ds – despair, depression and disappointment. It has a remarkable ability to pop up in the most ordinary of situations and is there in full force when there’s a crisis, a disagreement, an unanticipated change. It is what negates our every attempt towards self [...]

From Less Than To Infinity2022-05-06T08:38:58-06:00

My Friend, The Universe


Are You My Friend, Or Not?? Sometimes it seems as if the Universe is a good friend of ours, handing us the things we want and even more. At other times, the Universe appears to forget us and we are thrown into chaos without a life raft to bail us out. So we decide this Universe is capricious, now we’re friends, now we’re not. In a fit of pique, we might decide to forget this whole Universe thingie. Far better to rely on ourselves and our own empowerment, even if said empowerment appears to take a long time in coming. From within or [...]

My Friend, The Universe2022-05-31T11:24:57-06:00

Your Thoughts Go With You


[fusion_vimeo id="320882800" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /] Click on the images below for more information.

Your Thoughts Go With You2022-06-16T16:20:16-06:00

Sweeping the Darkness with Light


What Am I Not Seeing Here? There can be something intimidating, even evoking a sense of helplessness within us about our blind spots. Blind spots that could be holding us back and virtually sabotaging our movement forward on the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We have come to know a powerful truth – that the minute we shine the light of awareness on some fear that is keeping us limited, the energy of it starts dissipating, almost miraculously, almost immediately and then we finish the job with a flourish by actively doing our inner work. That flourish may be drawn out at times, more immediate [...]

Sweeping the Darkness with Light2022-06-30T18:35:30-06:00

How Your Soul Experiences the Five Senses — An Introduction


Do you really know how your sensory system works? As a small child you likely learned in school all about your five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Science has done a good job of providing us with extensive information about the physical aspect of these five primary senses. Each of your physical senses gives you a different perspective on an experience. Think, for example, of the ocean and how you could experience the ocean through each one of your senses (seeing the ocean, hearing the ocean, tasting the ocean, etc). Combined, your five senses give you the totality for your human physical experience [...]

How Your Soul Experiences the Five Senses — An Introduction2022-07-13T18:43:01-06:00

Turning the Tide in Illness


What Lies Ahead?“This is one of the biggest issues right now because the highest percentage in history right now are human embodiments on some form of medication.” ~ JuliusNo matter how much you try to divert your mind, when there’s pain, there’s pain, pain, pain. Period. It consumes you and you can’t think of much else, least of all matters of consciousness. Yet there is that nagging to really get on with it, to know yourself more, to find the answers to so many riddles in life. Do we get sabotaged on our conscious journey by the very medication that helps us cope with pain, with [...]

Turning the Tide in Illness2022-07-28T15:20:57-06:00
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