
Reaching The Threshold Of Being Love!


Your Journey To, and On, the BridgeBridge consciousness.Julius has generated huge interest in this level of consciousness. So great is the interest that it seems there can never be enough information given out.Many wonder – are we there yet?Where exactly are we on the bridge?What will it take to cross this level into a higher consciousness of love?What Am I Missing Here?Bill* had been doing inner work for several years. He went to seminars, attended retreats, read shelf-loads of books and sat down for meditation every day. As far as he could make out, he was doing everything right. Yet come [...]

Reaching The Threshold Of Being Love!2024-11-21T19:41:41-07:00

The Short Journey To Genius


You Have Genius Lurking In YouWe are all geniuses, potentially. Men like Einstein, Tesla and some would say, Elon Musk may have garnered all the attention for their genius, but are we any less in potential? That dratted word again, but really, it’s the difference between those who utilize that potential and those that don’t.“Genius means that you have captured a thought and despite all reality around you and all proof, you know that it is. And you are driven to demonstrate it.” ~ JuliusSo now that we know, we could go around capturing thought and refine our sense of knowing that it is. [...]

The Short Journey To Genius2024-12-05T14:45:34-07:00

Time is Changing … Are You?


One major stressor in life is time. It is also a huge distraction on the conscious journey, ’til it isn’t. We stress about the fact that we don’t have enough time to do all the things we need to do, should do, must do and we wail about being left with no time at all for the things we wish to do. Then some of us add the extra pressure of procrastination and we are doomed, so to speak. Julius tells us that time is changing right now. Many people will perceive that to mean [...]

Time is Changing … Are You?2024-12-19T17:35:08-07:00

5 Ways To Fabulous Decision-Making


Making a decision, especially a life-changing one, can be a stressful and time-consuming exercise. Especially if the other half or three-fourths of dearly loved family don’t support you. The whole ‘unknown’ aspect is thoroughly overwhelming and the last time you took a decision, it turned out to be a big mistake according to you and all the wise ones around you.In their continuous endeavor to help us, Julius has fortunately given us some pointers to nail this pesky process and make it more seamless. The foremost one is to go with your feelings. Any option that gives you a nice tingle, [...]

5 Ways To Fabulous Decision-Making2025-01-16T13:41:36-07:00

Those That We Don’t Know


 We spend a great deal of our time figuring out how to bring more harmony into some of our close relationships because we can’t consign them into the far beyond so easily. We spend some more time figuring out how to interact and get along with colleagues, co-workers, acquaintances who figure prominently in our lives at certain points in our lives. That’s a lot of thought and effort and figuring out we do, consciously as well as without really noticing that we are expending so much time and effort.What would really help us in all of this is a true [...]

Those That We Don’t Know2025-01-29T13:06:59-07:00

Roadmap to Infinity


Have I Been Here Before?Have you ever wondered whether you are making some real progress on your spiritual journey or are you just going around in circles within the same bandwidth of consciousness and frequency?Brett* spent many long years on the spiritual circuit of reading books, attending workshops and following certain teachings. His journey was something of a yo-yo, swinging from one side to the other with astonishing regularity. At times, he thought himself far advanced, at other times he felt discouraged and despairing like he was the laggard in the spiritual game. There would be a great many moments when he would feel peaceful, calm and [...]

Roadmap to Infinity2025-02-13T12:19:58-07:00

The Sorcerer’s Wand


We Were Sorcerer's of Light... We lost the power and the ability quite some time ago – to create and change our reality continually in response to whatever we felt or knew in the moment of Now. That profound, powerful innate ability rose from the joy of being the light and its ongoing momentum had us emanating and receiving joy and love in infinite forms. We remained young, suffered no lack or fear. We were the magnificent sorcerers of light. Fast forward to the present day and we can’t quite reconcile to the truth that that was us in our true essence, demonstrating our being [...]

The Sorcerer’s Wand2022-01-29T13:44:50-07:00

When Fortune Comes To Stay


How Well Does Your Money Tree Grow?We all say we want money, money, aaallllll the money in the world. Well, not exactly. We’re perfectly at peace with the idea of everyone else also having plenty of money. What we are very clear about is that we have no objections to becoming the one with the Midas touch – turning everything we put our mind to into gold or its equivalent.What is then perplexing and frustrating in the extreme is when said wealth refuses to turn up at our doorstep even when we have our main door and possibly every other door in the house thrown open [...]

When Fortune Comes To Stay2025-02-27T14:46:01-07:00

The Vastness Of Your Pond


Do You Dislike What You See In Your Reflection? You start life as a prince or princess. At least while playacting or daydreaming or it could be the astronaut into the far beyond or superwoman that sticks like glue to the sides of tall skyscrapers. Then it all fades away as ‘reality’ is taught to you and you are educated on how to go about in a world that has no time for what you so patently knew you could be. At first, you go through life as a frog (no offense meant). Not really liking the reflection in the pond – did your [...]

The Vastness Of Your Pond2022-03-10T15:05:57-07:00

From Less Than To Infinity


Just Beyond that Doorway Lies… If there is one full stop that we keep banging against at every turn, and some will say, almost in every moment in life, it is the sense and the feeling of not being good enough. It can be an overwhelming grayness that threatens to spin us into the 3 Ds – despair, depression and disappointment. It has a remarkable ability to pop up in the most ordinary of situations and is there in full force when there’s a crisis, a disagreement, an unanticipated change. It is what negates our every attempt towards self [...]

From Less Than To Infinity2022-05-06T08:38:58-06:00
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