
This Is How Powerful Thought Is…


[fusion_vimeo id="320881407" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /] A student asks about curses and the acceptance of thought.What creates your reality? Are you consciously creating, or creating by default? Are You Processing Thought Backwards? How to Tell if Something is True The Automated Thought Process Deciphering Limitations in Truths

This Is How Powerful Thought Is…2021-11-09T14:28:56-07:00

Freedom From Heavy Energy


[fusion_vimeo id="320895853" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /]  Julius explains how we can find freedom from the heavy energy around us.

Freedom From Heavy Energy2021-11-30T12:33:39-07:00

Roadmap to Infinity


Have I Been Here Before?Have you ever wondered whether you are making some real progress on your spiritual journey or are you just going around in circles within the same bandwidth of consciousness and frequency?Brett* spent many long years on the spiritual circuit of reading books, attending workshops and following certain teachings. His journey was something of a yo-yo, swinging from one side to the other with astonishing regularity. At times, he thought himself far advanced, at other times he felt discouraged and despairing like he was the laggard in the spiritual game. There would be a great many moments when he would feel peaceful, calm and [...]

Roadmap to Infinity2021-12-30T17:49:28-07:00

Can Physical Injuries Be Healed?


[fusion_vimeo id="320896420" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /] Details Here Purchase Here Details Here Get the Details Video & Audio Replay Find Our More

Can Physical Injuries Be Healed?2022-01-13T14:52:49-07:00

The Sorcerer’s Wand


We Were Sorcerer's of Light... We lost the power and the ability quite some time ago – to create and change our reality continually in response to whatever we felt or knew in the moment of Now. That profound, powerful innate ability rose from the joy of being the light and its ongoing momentum had us emanating and receiving joy and love in infinite forms. We remained young, suffered no lack or fear. We were the magnificent sorcerers of light. Fast forward to the present day and we can’t quite reconcile to the truth that that was us in our true essence, demonstrating our being [...]

The Sorcerer’s Wand2022-01-29T13:44:50-07:00

Multidimensional Expression


[fusion_vimeo id="320896097" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /] Here is a selection of fun workshops on dimensions and more to spark and expand your imagination, thoughts and emotions.  Enjoy!

Multidimensional Expression2022-02-24T14:16:43-07:00

When Fortune Comes To Stay


How Well Does Your Money Tree Grow? We all say we want money, money, aaallllll the money in the world. Well, not exactly. We’re perfectly at peace with the idea of everyone else also having plenty of money. What we are very clear about is that we have no objections to becoming the one with the Midas touch – turning everything we put our mind to into gold or its equivalent. What is then perplexing and frustrating in the extreme is when said wealth refuses to turn up at our doorstep even when we have our main door and possibly every other door in [...]

When Fortune Comes To Stay2022-03-10T14:12:39-07:00

The Vastness Of Your Pond


Do You Dislike What You See In Your Reflection? You start life as a prince or princess. At least while playacting or daydreaming or it could be the astronaut into the far beyond or superwoman that sticks like glue to the sides of tall skyscrapers. Then it all fades away as ‘reality’ is taught to you and you are educated on how to go about in a world that has no time for what you so patently knew you could be. At first, you go through life as a frog (no offense meant). Not really liking the reflection in the pond – did your [...]

The Vastness Of Your Pond2022-03-10T15:05:57-07:00

Can We Exist Simultaneously In Different Times And Planes of Existence?


[fusion_vimeo id="320894726" alignment="center" width="854" height="" autoplay="false" api_params="" title_attribute="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" css_id="" /] For more information on any of these workshops, please click on the image.

Can We Exist Simultaneously In Different Times And Planes of Existence?2022-03-20T11:51:57-06:00
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