
Embrace. Unknown Facets Of Your Mighty Being


Through the ages, we have embraced our physicality. So much so that we have fine-tuned our bodies almost beyond recognition from what we once had as physical costumes. That’s the intention and attention we’ve paid to the physical aspect of ourselves, a result of having forgotten who we really are and our intoxicated belief that this realm is real and everything else is just so much fantasy. At some point, our conscious journey turns into a conscious awareness journey. Earlier, we created our reality unaware that we were doing so. We did it with great gusto and confusion, using [...]

Embrace. Unknown Facets Of Your Mighty Being2021-01-19T18:58:32-07:00

How Do You Honor Your Love Ones in Spirit?


(This is a blog post written by and from Caroline Chang’s blog site and Facebook page from May 26, 2019) It is Memorial Day weekend and I really had no plans for the weeend this year. The weather was perfect for planting flowers so I spent the afternoon yesterday at Pine Grove Cemetery planting flowers at Kyle’s memorial stone. I had such a wonderful afternoon filled with joy KNOWING Kyle was right there with me. I KNOW Kyle is with me all the time not just when I go to the cemetery; and whenever I go I am never [...]

How Do You Honor Your Love Ones in Spirit?2021-02-01T09:53:24-07:00

From Where It All Begins


Where do light beings come from? Most of us on a conscious journey will say, ‘from Source’. Glibly said and not much understood by most of us. Seers and sages have attempted to describe what Source is and generally, the human language has proved to be unequal to the task. When Julius describes Source, it is not so much the words that convey their meaning, it is the energy and experience as you hear them that creates an impression within you. Many of us would like to leave this deeper knowledge of Source to a later date. We’ll generally say, [...]

From Where It All Begins2021-04-14T11:03:38-06:00

Our DNA Is The Gateway To Higher Vibrations


Unless we are high consciousness beings, our DNA is imprinted with the limitations from traumas and disease, repeated patterns of fear and judgment that we have experienced through the ages. Imprints that have gone deep because they have been compounded lifetime after lifetime. It is not surprising that we have spent a huge number of lifetimes in similar restricted roles and states of being. Till we come to a point when we want more. We look for it, seek guidance on how to move out of what has held us back for so long. When we are earnest, help [...]

Our DNA Is The Gateway To Higher Vibrations2024-03-28T18:29:13-06:00

Four Important Steps To Saying “No”


We start our lives being trained vigorously by the ‘Shoulds’ and ‘Have-tos’. Sometimes we spend our lives embedded in this unfulfilling, sacrificial space. The irony is that while all these rules are laid down by society and family, said society and family rarely if ever appreciate your compliance. Your non-compliance, on the other hand, can lead to heated debate and ostracism.   This article is not about not helping out others in a crisis, it is about saying ‘No’ in every day life situations when that’s your inner choice. When you’ve had your guts full of [...]

Four Important Steps To Saying “No”2024-04-12T09:30:47-06:00

Out Of The Storm Into The Harbour


All angry and nowhere to go? Except down that old familiar road with its various yet similar branches of annoyance, irritation, frustration, defiance, aggression or dominance. There is a time when we enjoy it. Really enjoy all its expression and the destruction it causes. Then comes a time when we aren’t comfortable with the aftertaste – it doesn’t make us feel good, we’re sorry for that outburst and we just aggravated a situation we were trying to fix or remedy (because we so know it all). Much later, we finally decide we’re done with the destructive aspect of it [...]

Out Of The Storm Into The Harbour2024-06-20T11:17:01-06:00

Blissed Out!


Living on the Golden PlaneA well-known enlightened master of our time transitioned from a lifetime in the fifth level of consciousness. He went to a golden plane of existence that was in consonance with his state of consciousness, where he existed for a long, long ‘time’ because that existence was so blissful and he really had no desire to go anywhere else. Then came a day when he remembered his wife on the earth plane and wished to be with her again. Back to earth he came as his beloved wife’s grandson. He went on to attain the highest level of [...]

Blissed Out!2024-06-20T11:49:17-06:00

The Secret Of Your Energy In Motion


"Don't Be A Crybaby..." Growing up, you were handed a baseball bat and told it was unmanly to cry or be in touch with your emotions. Along with your ballerina shoes, you were told “emotional” girls were not going to be liked by the crowd or loved by the special someone. Stomp on it, sit on them but don’t ever express it or them. Emotions were just such a ‘no-no’. Are You Paying Attention? Paul* had had what others might term a rough childhood – abusive father, no mother and no roots anywhere. He coped by shutting down his emotions. As he went [...]

The Secret Of Your Energy In Motion2024-09-27T09:11:09-06:00

The Acme Of Physical Existence


In living memory, there are just a handful of enlightened masters that we know of. There may have been many more but they didn’t swim into the limelight and face flak for speaking their truth. Their choice and it’s all good. However, that leaves us with very little to go on as far as trying to fathom what an enlightened state of being really is. What do the enlightened masters think and feel? How do they go about their day on earth? Was Buddha saintly? Was Jesus quiet? When a being reaches that state, do they all become [...]

The Acme Of Physical Existence2024-10-11T08:01:16-06:00

The Blurred Mirror of Self


One would think that having lived with ourselves all life long, we would know ourselves well. But we don’t. One would think by looking at all the crises and messes in our lives that we don’t create them, because of course, we wouldn’t create them. But we do. Central to all of this is the perspective we hold, or our state of consciousness, and therein lies a great misfire if we don’t have the knowledge and the clarity. Meg* and Cathy* were great friends since school. Something that amazed people around them because they were so very different. [...]

The Blurred Mirror of Self2024-10-25T15:48:23-06:00
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