
Pause Is Not A Bad Word


Pause Is Not A Bad Word When we lost the art of contemplation, we lost an essential part of our magic. It began at a fairly early age - quick, you’ve got to catch the bus, you’ve got to this to do or that, give me an answer quick etc. etc. And before you knew it, your contemplation of the tablespoon or the butterfly, your mother’s words or your own fantastic idea that had just popped up came to an end. The loss has affected us deeply. We are thought. When we do not take the time to nurture our [...]

Pause Is Not A Bad Word2024-08-01T22:24:36-06:00

The Unconquerable Within Us


The Unconquerable Within Us Inner worthiness is that glue that keeps us together when those around us are doing their darnest to get us back into the fold of conformity and they don’t care what methods they use. Unfortunately, it’s not there when we  first come out of the closet of hiding our spiritual leanings.  It is something we gather and hold within from the harvest of our dedication to knowing ourselves as more than just the limited human beings we have been led to believe we are. Intrinsically tied to self-love and self-honour, inner worth is [...]

The Unconquerable Within Us2024-07-18T14:02:55-06:00

The Cactus In The Desert


The Cactus In The Desert None of us could have quite imagined ourselves as truly complex beings when we first awakened. This truth becomes glaringly obvious when we work on an issue, we do the shadow work, inner work, release this or that about it. And just when we finally think it’s resolved, it pops up again with the sturdy resilience of a cactus. It seems we hadn’t tackled this aspect or that angle.  This can sometimes cause us to think of giving up the conscious journey. Well, we just think that but don’t actually do it because we [...]

The Cactus In The Desert2024-09-08T09:14:27-06:00
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