How Well Does Your Money Tree Grow?
We all say we want money, money, aaallllll the money in the world. Well, not exactly. We’re perfectly at peace with the idea of everyone else also having plenty of money. What we are very clear about is that we have no objections to becoming the one with the Midas touch – turning everything we put our mind to into gold or its equivalent.
What is then perplexing and frustrating in the extreme is when said wealth refuses to turn up at our doorstep even when we have our main door and possibly every other door in the house thrown open wide to welcome it into our lives.
Are You Aware of Your Money Perception?
Or do we? Have we kept some doors locked unconsciously? So that even if we keep asserting that we are very, very open to fabulous financial abundance, there are parts of our being that keep it firmly at bay.
Then comes another problem for some of us. We manifest and reach a somewhat comfortable stage of monetary well-being and the moment a big expense crops up we are stumped. We go into a drill of frantically manifesting the required amount. Where is that continuous flow of abundance, which we hear so much about, that will never desert us and leave us in need? That’s what we’re aiming for, hidden blocks/obstacles can be consigned to a raging fire that never lets that baggage come back again.
Monetary Prosperity is Created Through Love
Julius tells us we mostly manifest out of need. And we’d like to tell Julius that we’re happy to learn a different way if only we can live in a comfortable space provided by the substance called money. Financial security is a major desire for most human beings and not having it throws us off centre from time to time. We’d like to have it, so that we’re not stressed by the physical aspects of life, so that we can deliver on our dreams with a flourish.
“You are prosperous in either lack or abundance.” ~ Julius
The power to step out of scarcity and lack resides within us. What we may not be very clear about is the way out of the fear energies that create and keep the lack in place. In our upcoming course – Releasing The Fear Out Of Financial Abundance – we are given some very welcome guidance and help out of blocks and restrictions to monetary abundance, which includes two amazing, powerful exercises. That is occasion for heaving a sigh of relief. We are ready to give Midas a run for his money!