What Lies Ahead?
“This is one of the biggest issues right now because the highest percentage in history right now are human embodiments on some form of medication.” ~ Julius
No matter how much you try to divert your mind, when there’s pain, there’s pain, pain, pain. Period. It consumes you and you can’t think of much else, least of all matters of consciousness. Yet there is that nagging to really get on with it, to know yourself more, to find the answers to so many riddles in life. Do we get sabotaged on our conscious journey by the very medication that helps us cope with pain, with imbalances in the body and life-threatening diseases? Is there a way out?
Can I Heal Myself?
Joan* didn’t have pain but she was taking medication for her diabetes. After many years of raising children, trying to revive a failing business and battling loneliness with a mainly absentee husband, she finally decided to move out of the empty-nest syndrome and find more meaning to life. She asked herself: Can I heal myself and remain healthy as well as clear of mind till the last day of my life without going to a nursing home? This began her conscious journey, confusing at first because there was so much out there that offered solutions which seemed to contradict each other. She is still looking for some clear answers but she has been able to alleviate her condition to some extent.
Though the tide is turning, medical science and especially the pharmaceutical industry does not, in general, entertain studies on medication and its effect on consciousness. What would be the point or the profit? Far better to use a sledgehammer approach to all problems in the body and ruin its delicate energetic balance almost beyond repair and rejuvenation.
I Can Heal Myself
Fortunately for us, there is a section of researchers that are highlighting the immense impact of thought and emotion on the body and how it may be the ultimate, safe, natural way out of disease and discomfort. What is less well-known and hasn’t been given much attention is whether medication impacts our thoughts and emotions in a detrimental manner. When consciousness is the ultimate answer, how does one get on with it while managing the pain, the life-threatening disease? Can you grow in consciousness with all the medication in your body from not only pharmaceutical drugs but also the additives in your food?
These incredibly vital questions and much more relating to this subject is what Julius addresses in our workshop – Consciousness on Medication. Julius gives some extremely valuable guidance on how to work the system of medication so you can be achieving a growth in your
consciousness, which may even lead you to the point that you heal yourself and don’t need any medication. Become masterful in healing your body, mind and spirit!
“Imagine redoing your life with no struggle, none, with everything being flawless with you, with everything being loving for you, everything being successful for you, joyous for you, magical for you, creative for you, stress-free, anxiety-free, abundant health, no aging.” ~ Julius
*Name changed to protect privacy.