We Were Sorcerer’s of Light…
We lost the power and the ability quite some time ago – to create and change our reality continually in response to whatever we felt or knew in the moment of Now. That profound, powerful innate ability rose from the joy of being the light and its ongoing momentum had us emanating and receiving joy and love in infinite forms. We remained young, suffered no lack or fear. We were the magnificent sorcerers of light.
Fast forward to the present day and we can’t quite reconcile to the truth that that was us in our true essence, demonstrating our being through fluid assured strokes of all that we created on this playground. It was a playground and a substance that took the physical form of whatever thoughts and inspiration we wished to demonstrate. This earth was and is the hologram in which we have had continuous fun, joy and exhilaration. Then we lost our knowing and it has stayed lost. We have called out for help and it comes in many forms and through many beings.
The Playground of Creation
One of the strongest and most powerful messages they bring us is of the Void and how we can access it to create an extraordinary reality, a reality that we can keep shifting for ourselves consciously. We play the game of what this reality looks like in the hologram, the stage we set up for ourselves to enjoy and demonstrate our creative abilities to the fullest in the physical.
“The Void is an energy profoundness that creates the all.” ~ Julius
Alex* was taking a selfie on the edge of the cliff when he lost his footing and started plummeting down to the ocean. In a split second, he thought of a cocoon around him that would keep him from major injury as he hit the surface of the water. Later, he would tell others that it seemed as if his descent immediately shifted into slow motion and his entry into the ocean was more of a smooth glide than a crash.
Do You Remember How to Enter the Void?
Years later, he came to understand that he had entered the state of the Void and created his safety from that space without even realizing what he was doing. We all have the power to do that, but perhaps not the clarity about how to go about it.
In an advanced teaching by Julius Entering the Void, we are given ground-breaking information and guidance on how to utilize the Void in this hologram of the earth. The grand, fulfilling life awaits us. We are the sorcerers, the Void is our wand. May we all utilize this space for the empowerment of all!