When we lost the art of contemplation, we lost an essential part of our magic. It began at a fairly early age – quick, you’ve got to catch the bus, you’ve got to this to do or that, give me an answer quick etc. etc. And before you knew it, your contemplation of the tablespoon or the butterfly, your mother’s words or your own fantastic idea that had just popped up came to an end.

The loss has affected us deeply. We are thought. When we do not take the time to nurture our love-based thoughts, contemplate them so that we embody that truth, saturate our being with the joy that this art form creates within us, we lose out – in refining our manifestation, activating more and more of our creative abilities and allowing the once impossible to be truly and excitingly possible.

Supporting workshops. Click on the product image below for details.

  • Mastering contemplation
  • Are you thinking your feelings or feeling your thoughts (something like this, I don’t remember exactly)
  • Are You Manifesting From the Altered Ego or the Soul
  • Thoughts on purpose
Are You Feeling Your Thoughts or Thinking Your Feelings? | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network