What Am I Not Seeing Here?
There can be something intimidating, even evoking a sense of helplessness within us about our blind spots. Blind spots that could be holding us back and virtually sabotaging our movement forward on the journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We have come to know a powerful truth – that the minute we shine the light of awareness on some fear that is keeping us limited, the energy of it starts dissipating, almost miraculously, almost immediately and then we finish the job with a flourish by actively doing our inner work. That flourish may be drawn out at times, more immediate at others – the key element is that we tackled it head on and could dissolve its restrictive influence on our lives.
Yet we still come across some drag in our expression of empowerment and we have no clue what it could be because Julius states,
“Human beings see themselves last.”
Am I Really Wearing Blinders?
We are adept and really near masters at seeing the blind spots of others. Seeing them so clearly that we wonder why the person can’t seem to recognize them. Yet when it comes to shining that torch within ourselves, we become remarkably obtuse.
That’s where the altered ego has the maximum opportunity to derail us and blindside us. The dark spots are the hidden places in which the altered ego exists in full force and lashes out at us if we dare to venture into those unknown areas. These areas also constitute one of the biggest platforms for guilt, so we don’t dare go into some of the dark, dark, dark discoveries of self because then we may have all kinds of things in our lives to feel guilty about, because we’ve unknowingly been demonstrating this dark spot all along and we had no idea.
It is one thing to uncover what we suspect is there, what we’ve gotten a glimpse of as being there, what we’ve been told by others is there. There is this bit of a roadmap, some clues.
It is another thing to hit a real dark spot in us that could be extremely painful for us. Working on the inner self, especially the blind spots, is the bravest thing that a soul can do because it could cause us to question who we are, who God is, what this journey is all about.
Getting to 20/20 and Beyond
If we want to be totally free and clear to be and demonstrate the light beings that we are, these blind spots must reveal their fear-based secrets. The all-important question now becomes – how do we get to know our blind spots? And when we do, how do we use this gift of knowledge to accelerate our expansion? How do we fly without an anchor weighing us down?
In a most critical teaching at this phase of our expansion – Revealing Inner Blind Spots – Julius gives us information on some of our dark spots, how to be brave enough to get through them, how to use them to amplify and accelerate our conscious journey. Furthermore, as we start using the tools to discover our blind spots, we may inadvertently use them on somebody else, on people we love the most, and we discover things about them that worry us a little and when we’re the only ones who see this, it’s like a toothache. It just gnaws and gnaws and gnaws at us. Julius shares superb guidance on how to circumnavigate our way through all these aspects and come out with clarity, resilience, radiance and even further advancement on our conscious journey.