Have I Been Here Before?
Have you ever wondered whether you are making some real progress on your spiritual journey or are you just going around in circles within the same bandwidth of consciousness and frequency?
Brett* spent many long years on the spiritual circuit of reading books, attending workshops and following certain teachings. His journey was something of a yo-yo, swinging from one side to the other with astonishing regularity. At times, he thought himself far advanced, at other times he felt discouraged and despairing like he was the laggard in the spiritual game. There would be a great many moments when he would feel peaceful, calm and confident that he was progressing well. Then, it would take just a small interaction or event to upset his equilibrium and send him down the pit of stress, deep anger and hopelessness.
How Do I Get There? …
Sound familiar? At least some of it? Many of us who embark on a conscious journey usually have no clear markers about where we are on it in the first place and how to progress to the next level. And because we don’t, we can spend a great deal of time, effort and money trying to master what is at best a dimly lit path into infinity.
‘The levels of consciousness aid you in mastering the components of being human. So everything that is an issue that comes up in your life – the answers can be found in your journey through the levels of consciousness. That is a truth.’ ~ Julius
The Answer: Raise Your Consciousness
Given that the answer to all issues in life lies in raising our consciousness, how do we access this solution when we don’t know where we are in consciousness. How can we progress to the next level when we don’t know what it takes to move from the current level to the next one?
The conscious journey is all about understanding ourselves and being who we really are. One of the major contributing forces to our evolution or lack of it is our relationships and interactions with other human beings. When we understand the various phases of consciousness, we also become adept at understanding where everyone else is in their phase of consciousness, which greatly helps us interact with them more harmoniously and less judgment, allows us to see through deceit, take those relationships to a more expansive space and many more benefits.
Build Yourself a Strong Foundation
In view of the sheer importance of these understandings, Julius considers their teachings on the 7 levels of consciousness to be the foundation for all their other teachings. These teachings constitute an absolutely indispensable roadmap for all who have awakened and are on their spiritual journey. While Julius has already given teachings on these 7 levels, they have now going to give more detailed and advanced understandings about each of these levels. You can purchase this invaluable asset for your growth and expansion here: