
This is a two part workshop with one teaching and one Q & A session.

We are in turbulent times with information coming forth that the Human reality has all been lies… all of it.
Then who are we and what is true?
What is important?
How do we navigate our path from here?
So many are concerned with what they have fallen for and have believed in…
Now what?????
Julius will guide us, tell the truth to us and help you secure your knowing of self and move forward.
A truly inspiring workshop for this time:
  • The specialness of this timeline
  • The uplevelled space in the third dimension
  • What souls have signed up for
  • The fundamental answer to moving smoothly into a new reality
  • Why this transition is not easy
  • The one indispensable thing that will help us through this time
  • A very powerful practice to facilitate this
  • The realm shift explained
  • A beautiful example from Kasey Jo’s life of transformation after adversity
  • How the soul and the altered ego respond to massive change
  • The inverted truths of this world
  • How to care for yourself through this time
  • Why you now see the inverted truths
  • Deeply exciting and inspiring words in conclusion from Julius

Get ready for the indispensable, high-level guidance in this Q&A:

  • What we are or may face this year
  • Major changes and collapse while on the conscious journey
  • The challenges that provide opportunities for growth
  • The riptide of frequencies on earth at this time
  • Visualization and feeling in a meditation
  • How to handle the devastation of a broken personal relationship
  • Why is our memory not the same and there is disorder in life
  • What are the barriers to and how to connect with unified consciousness
  • The issue of regret from 2 important perspectives
  • A fabulous analogy of a crab related to our growth
  • Ways to raise our light vibration
  • What to watch out for and what to do in timeline shifts – very important
  • How to align with the life of your dreams
  • Beautiful guidance on the mind wandering
  • How to help others when their life has collapsed
  • How to heal through unity consciousness
Foundation Workshops:

These courses sit at the foundation of most of all the Julius teachings and also the human experience of life.

Supporting Workshops:

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