
This is a 2 part workshop that will be offered in live & replay video as well as audio.

On your purchase receipt email you will find a PDF with access information for Zoom and Instant Teleseminar. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

In this workshop Julius will help you to understand what your Higher Self is, what energy it holds, where it is in relationship to your energy field. And suggestions and practises for holding that connection more consistently.
This powerful workshop will give you useful information to help you with manifesting love, health, prosperity and joy in your life.
In the lecture module, Julius gives immense clarity and guidance on connecting with the higher self:
  • What the higher self is and is not
  • Understanding the highest energy that you are
  • What truth is for each person
  • What connection to this energy can do for you
  • What we as physical beings can access or become
  • Description of the highest self
  • Powerful practice in the most difficult times in your life
  • Degrees and levels of intuitive gifts and abilities 
  • A big Aha moment about your higher self and others’ higher self
  • Insights into the 7 energy bodies

In the Q&A, Julius gives more expansive, deeper information:

  • Detrimental effects of the singular and separate perspective
  • Feeling or connecting with your higher self
  • Fascinating truths about spontaneous combustion
  • Is there any vibrational difference between heart centre and seat of the soul?
  • More amazing benefits of connecting to the higher self
  • Deeper guidance on how to stabilise this important connection
  • How these energies work with us on bridge consciousness
  • A fundamental truth about the experience of the higher self
  • Ways that facilitate connection to the higher self 

Foundation Workshops: