
Ascension & New World Wealth Summit Package

This package includes one group session that will be an Unlocking Cryptonic Vault Session and 5 teachings in 6 modules.

When Will the Group Sessions Be Offered?

There are 2 sessions to choose from.  Purchasers of the package are invited to attend one session per package for one person. 

September 7, 2024 10am Eastern Daylight Time or 

September 7, 2024 7pm Eastern Daylight Time

After your purchase, please email [email protected] and tell us which session you would like to attend from the above options. You will be sent the zoom link for that session. More details and audio links are below. You will receive a downloadable PDF with instructions in your order receipt.

What Is the Unlocking Cryptonic Vault Session?

There are 7 levels of Consciousness for Humans to work through to Master Ascension and knowing of being Source through the Physical or Human Realms.

Each level of Consciousness has 7 sub degrees of thought limitation and action limitations and fears through limitedness and fears.

The Degrees and Levels of Consciousness have been locked down by energetic forces from both off planet beings as well as ill intended Human forces and organizations to keep you small and controllable.

Known commonly as “The Matrix” we now know these are multi-level multi-dimensional Quantum Vault Doors that have thought prisons and Conscious Locks for us.

Kasey, Channeling the Julius Collective, has the ability to unlock the Vault Doors. Kasey uses her Theta brain state to access the visualizations of the Vault Doors. Then using energetic coding, light language and energetic connections directly with the beings who are your guardians, she can crack these combinations and open these doors. This then releases the attached energy within the door that has blocked you, trapped you, and harmed you for so long.   

Unlocking these doors provides energetic release of trapped thoughts and emotions and limited realities you have carried from lifetime to lifetime. With this package, you will be invited to one group session to unlock the doors in you that are blocking or limiting Self Love. The session will be on zoom.

The Group Vault Session that is offered as part of this package: 

The package session is a group session only, not a one on one session.  The sessions will be approximately 30 minutes long. They will be on zoom video so that Kasey can see everyone’s bodies and energy fields. Each package purchased allows for one person to join one group session.  

The vault or blockage that Kasey will be working on is for Self Love.

When Will the Group Sessions Be Offered?

There are 2 sessions to choose from.  You can attend one session only per package. 

  • September 7, 2024 10am Eastern Daylight Time or 
  • September 7, 2024 7pm Eastern Daylight Time

These are the only dates offered for this event, so please make sure one of the above times works for you if you would like to join live.  

There will be a replay available for the sessions, but if you can be on live, that is ideal.  

Audios Included:

Teaching #1 – The Creative Process
• The fascinating creative process through which all comes into
existence, including us and this earth plane.
• The true nature of our being as light.
• Why we chose existence on this earth plane.
• Why Julius calls us ‘Masters’.

Teaching #2 – The Consciousness Seals
• Clear descriptions of each of the stages of consciousness leading to
• A deeper understanding of how the first 3 seals are fear-based and
the higher 3 seals are love-based.
• How and why the 4 th seal is the bridge between these two states of
being and how to cross it. Why it creates the shift in perspective from
being a human being to knowing that we are light beings.

Teaching #3 – The 7 Frequency Bands – 2 Modules
• Why your life doesn’t improve even if you want it to.
• How to become a master at attracting what you want and repelling
what you do not.
• How to withstand the massive influence of a fear-based collective

Teaching #4 – When You Love Yourself Completely
• How and why most people do not love themselves completely.
• Where thoughts of not being worthy and being less than come from.
• The magic of loving yourself completely and its wonderful far-reaching effects.

Teaching #5 – Living in the Now
• The Now and the I Am factors.
• How to raise your skill at living in the Now.
• How to manifest what was earlier considered ‘impossible’.

Once you purchase, you will receive an order confirmation email with a downloadable pdf that has all the access details for the audios and instructions for the group process.  

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] 

There are no refunds on this package.

When you purchase this product, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.