Do you understand your soul’s desires and wants? When your soul is full from a particular experience, the way that it moves itself into another experience is to create in you an overwhelming feeling of wanting to do something. That is your soul communicating to you that it’s time to move to another experience.  

When you receive communication from your soul and move on to a new experience without pulling away and resisting, or without burying or tucking the desire away, it helps you move to the next experience more rapidly; allowing you the opportunity to more readily absorb the next experience.  

You have both the potential for wanting more experience as well as the possibility of having that experience. We have talked before about the wanting factor in the human life existence. We don’t want to confuse the word “wanting” here because as a human being you should never go through your life “wanting,” which can also mean lacking.  

Let’s use instead the word “yearning.” As a human being, you are yearning to do something else, to have a new experience. Your soul communicates to you through your feelings. That’s part of what feelings are for — the yearning, or the desiring for another action, which will bring you a new experience. Some humans are very accepting of that process and they will move immediately into the next experience, because they recognize that their soul is ready for another experience. 

Then there are those who are resistant to any change at all. They are resistant to the communication of their soul. Their soul is communicating to them through their feelings of desire to do and experience something else, and humans will talk themselves out of it, because they believe they have a responsibility to NOT do those things. They believe there is an agenda set up by somebody else, and that is what creates the internal conflict that can manifest itself into disease and disorder.   

Your soul is gaining experience from all angles. When the soul is finished with experiencing, it will guide you into your next experience, based upon what you feel you want, or you desire to do next. But humans will argue with themselves about moving on to the next experience, thus causing conflict. When you understand the process and listen to your soul, you will be at peace with your soul.  

Possibility and potential are always the beginning factors to the start of every experience. You may be perfectly content in an experience, but then you start to get bored. You start getting flashes of new ideas. What is it that your soul is choosing to experience next?  

Your soul has to use your three-dimensional body in order to gain experience in this three-dimensional realm. So there is an agreement that needs to be made between the body, the mind, and the soul. Have you ever heard of the term a broken spirit? What that means is you are not listening to your soul. There is an internal conflict or a breakdown that is going on.   

There is no form of three-dimensional, left brained education that can give you the gift that your soul can give you. The mind will always be attached to limitations. Your soul’s growth comes from ever-expanding possibility of spirituality.  

How in tune are you with your own being-ness? And how aware are you of the communication that your soul has with you? Are you open to it? You might ask, “What is communication from my soul?” And the answer is that it’s your feelings! Your feelings are the way that your soul communicates with you. The soul is emotionally driven. 

We can assure you that your soul will guide you to what is next, as long as you are in tune with your feelings. When you decide to make changes in your life and listen to your soul, how do you feel? The more you listen to your soul, the smoother the outcome will be in the ultimate experience.  

Your soul’s destinational journey is to move through experience, to own it, to love it, to embrace it, get it from every angle, and move on to the next experience. The people that get left behind are left because they have empowered somebody else with their own possibility. They are not embracing their own expandability and never-ending infinite possibilities of themselves. They have made somebody else responsible for their happiness.  

You must realize too that everything you do in your life is for experience. There are no failures! Failing is a fear-based experience that man uses in order to control another. What have you learned from your experience should be the question that you are asking yourself. Everything in your life is a success. It either moves you away from something that doesn’t work (which means you are being successful in your moving away). Or it is moving you towards something else that is successful in your life.  

Do you choose success in all of your experiences? Change your point of view — nothing is wasted. How much have you learned? How much growth have you experienced? Have you learned what doesn’t work for you? This is all part of the growing state. Have you ever looked at it that way before? Pay attention to what your soul is saying to you. 

Rather than saying you always wanted to do something and you never had that experience… go ahead and experience it! Your mind can be your best friend or it can be your worst enemy. It can work with the desires of your soul and help to manifest something and help create experiences for you, or it can talk you out of listening to what your soul is saying to you.   

Potential and possibility, can you see those words differently now in your life’s existence? Unlimited potential and unlimited possibilities — that is what you, and all human beings, are looking and asking for.   

Kasey and Brad Wallis, along with Julius, empower people all over the world. Through Julius’s higher conscious teachings they are expanding the awareness of who we truly are by knowing our Source essence as limitless light beings. 

Relevance Of Experience | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
Learning to Relate to Everything | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
Alignment With Your Soul’s Desires | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
New To Julius Package | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network