Can We Really Change Our Lives?
We strain against the limitations, we grumble about the lack of this, that or the other including freedom, we talk about the stress and frustration in life. Part of this lack of sheer enjoyment of this physical realm arises from not knowing the bigger picture.
Jennifer* thought of herself as a human being who had to work hard to survive in a threatening world. She struggled to maintain a few relationships in her life without feeling devalued all the time. Her day was usually a race against time to get all the things she needed to do done. And at the end of the day, she was always thankful that she could escape into sleep. Until her sister-in-law came to visit. A warm, sunny presence, a little strange in her ways but there was something about her that made Jennifer break down and tell her about her absolute misery in almost every sphere of her life. What she was told was astonishing but resonated so deep that her perspective opened up, started changing and a year later, she could look back and see what a long way she had come. She still has her low moments, she’s still trying to figure out certain things in her life but she feels lighter and more empowered to handle all that comes her way and even go beyond into creating a more fulfilling life for herself.
Expand Beyond the Merry-Go-Round
Many of us have known this part of journey at some point in our lives and to some extent, still do. We have spent lifetimes in such states and getting out of them feels like quicksand that doesn’t want to let go. We, as the human race, process the same patterns of thoughts about the same things and only 3 to 5 percent of our brain is activated – the same 3 to 5 percent in almost everyone around the globe. If we take a moment to think about it, that’s a whole lot of limited thought going round and round in circles, without ever breaking free into more expansive thoughts and emotions. Is it any wonder that beneficial changes in the world and in our own backyard seem to be so slow to manifest?
Rediscover Who You Are
The solvent that sets us free is an understanding and knowing of ourselves and our story – who we are, why we come to this physical realm, what we are doing here and how we can get back to realizing our fullest potential. This truth resonates deep within us because it recalls our ancient knowing. It breaks the shackles that have kept us limited and bound for so long. And like Jennifer, we learn to fly. May the force be with us!
In our workshop, The Misunderstanding Of The Physical Realm, Julius gives us immense clarity about ourselves and life on earth, to enable us to take another significant step into our own empowerment. The light of clarity clears many obstacles!
*Name changed to protect privacy
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