Are We Born Creative?

It’s not that some of us are creative and others are not. Nor is it that the logical, rational, left-brained individuals completely miss out of the creative gravy train. That’s impossible because creativeness is the essence of our being. We as light beings created all that is in creation. How did we create the fragrance of a rose, the claw of a bird, the taste of a mango, the cry of a leopard? Through feeling a certain way about a thought, an inspiration, an idea.

Creative flow is your soul demonstrating its emotions.~ Julius

Think. Feel. Create.

Our creative flow is not just in areas that have traditionally been deemed creative – in terms of talents, gifts or something you can grade in terms of quality that brings in monetary returns. That’s when judgment kicks in and the inner voice of the altered ego holds center stage – “I’m not so talented, I don’t have this, that or the other quality.” Or, “I don’t have it in spades the way the other one has so I’m just mediocre.”  This is the huge fallacy about our creative flow. And it is this fallacy that puts a stopper on the unique expression of creativity that each and every one of us has oodles of and not just in one area either. Our creativity finds many different directions for its expression when it is flowing.  

Creative flow is the demonstration of the way you feel about a thought through any kind or form of demonstration that allows you to showcase to the world or to others how you feel about a thought. ~ Julius

The Peaceful Flow of Joy

Everything we do in life can be creative and when it is, we are happy, fulfilled and our vision has all the forces of the universe backing it. It’s not that nappy changing* has to be an art (though it very well could be if you’re so inclined) or the way you draw a straight line has to have a tiny wiggle in it. It’s the unknown wellspring of unique expression that has us reaching for our natural creative abilities to paint the fabric of our every day.

The more connected you are with knowing that you are Source, the grandest desire is joy, peace and fulfilment. ~ Julius

When our creativity is flowing, there is such a deep peace within us that it is almost inexplicable. When it stops or has never really begun, the feeling of unease, stress and frustration can overwhelm us. The joy and fulfilment from the creative expression of our soul is something we can understand because we have a vague recollection of it, of when we effortlessly demonstrated the magnificence of all that arose within us into the physical and non-physical. Then we lost our knowing of who we were. What better way to get back to our knowing than through the unleashing of that long-forgotten but inherent ability to demonstrate our emotions in all facets, colors, sounds and movements in this physical world?

*AKA diaper changing 😄

A Daisy in Your Ear?

The fountain of creativity continually feeds the other fountain – that of youth. It has us walking around with a spring in our step and a smile on our face, when we’re not in diva mode. And it has us being quirky, adventurous and stylish. Even the garbage bin might get a face lift that would put a smile on the man’s face as he goes on his round of repetitive duty, unless his creative thoughts are relieving the sameness of it all.

Perhaps that’s the way our creativity could lift the spirits of others, including strangers. Would someone smile if they saw a daisy in your earhole instead of the usual earring? Would your joyful, peaceful, fulfilled presence light up a room? Would others be inspired to be spontaneous, inventive, flexible after watching the demonstration of your freely flowing creativity? The answers are probably yes. But even if they are not, you’re enjoying yourself too much to change even a single thing in your expression as a light being. 


The only catch in all this is – could it please flow continually? When this fabulous flow slows down to a trickle or even comes to a halt, we don’t really want to wait endlessly and in uncertainty about just when that magical moment will come to pass, when all cylinders of the creativity engine will once again be firing with exuberance.

May there be a river instead of a drop, may there be knowing instead of uncertainty, may there be boundless expression instead of denial of self!

Get to know the secrets of unleashing your creativity and how to keep it flowing through some awesome advice from Julius in our 2 part workshop – Unleashing Your Creative Flow.

Click the Image for More Information on the Workshop.

Unleashing Your Creative Flow | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
3 Packages Show Special | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
Transforming Fate into Conscious Creation | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network
What Happens When You Die: Your Soul’s Journey Through The 7 Planes Of Creative Thought | Expand with Julius and Xpnsion Network