What Lies Ahead?
We know our journey will never end because we never end. We know what the journey feels like right now, we have some clarity about the movement forward. However, what might not be very clear to those of us who are working our way through consciousness is what lies up ahead.
We are the dewdrops in the wave of limitless creation, knowing that we carry the full potential of the wave within us, getting to the recognition that we are both and beyond both.
What More Is Possible?
Many are the stories of what enlightened masters could do and we think – that could very well be true or was it just something made up to deify that being? Getting clear, digestible as well as advanced information on these as yet incomprehensible states from beings who have no axe to grind, no one to deify but are engaged in a loving endeavour – to help us to our knowing of ourselves as Source –, is no small gift. It is information that is going to hold to the highest precepts of truth without embellishments.
In The Knowing, Lies The Becoming
This is an exciting adventure to embark upon – the opening of our minds to what we will be at some point in our evolution. As Julius leads us through the maze of myth and truth, we will recall what we have lost remembrance of, we will feel the possibility and potential of ourselves in ever expanding waves of recognition and we will assuredly move forward with joy.
In our workshop, What Lies Beyond Manifestation?, Julius shines the beacon on the path to higher consciousness with its milestones of manifestation. They will lead us into higher and amazingly different spheres of emotions and the world of non-physical creation. There is so much to creation that we have not yet grasped with our brains, perhaps it is time to get acquainted with knowing more about how we did it all. In the knowing lies the becoming. Then perhaps we may be inspired to give further impetus to our creations and live life with the zest, joy and assurance that comes from the knowing of how everything was, is and will be created in a huge never-ending wave of expansion in the eternal moment of Now.