
Circumstantial Beings – A Positive Force Of The Human Life


Let me ask you this: How many different types of Beings exist in the Universe? What would you answer? Since I’ve given you something to think about, let me throw out another question (or idea) for you to give yourself a headache over: Circumstantial Beings and the Dimensions in which they reside. At this point, you might be saying: What in the world are you talking about? What? Let’s say you park your car in your driveway at home upon your return from work and you leave it parked there overnight. In the morning, when you go outside to get [...]

Circumstantial Beings – A Positive Force Of The Human Life2023-05-25T17:48:09-06:00

Star Trek and Altruism


AltruismTo selflessly exchange with others to benefit the all.This is the quintessential star trek situation. We want to give you a comparable. Here’s the tangible comparable. Almost everyone has watched at least a few episodes or seen one of the movies of the Star Trek series phenomenon. In that series, the captain of the enterprise and all the beings they come into contact with are always speaking about the time they live in. There’s no money in their time. Money is long gone by the way side. Now everybody works together for the massive benefit of the human race [...]

Star Trek and Altruism2023-06-08T13:19:41-06:00

Potential Or Possibility


 Two of the most underrated words in our vocabulary having unimaginable width of creativity and experience.Whether you recognize it or not, you make the choice or decision about everything that happens or shows up in your life based upon the potential and possibility factors of this existence. YOU do this….not someone else. These two words in our Human language explain all of this beautifully! So how aware are you of them?They seem to have a similar meaning, what’s the difference?Potential– Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.Possibility– A thing that may happen or be [...]

Potential Or Possibility2024-10-31T15:01:58-06:00

What if God is gay?


Depending upon who you are at this moment in your existence as a human being, your answer to this question or statement says everything about who you actually are. Where did your mind race to when you asked yourself that question? What if you are merely having an experience based upon your gender in this lifetime? Would it change the way you think, or react to what is going on around you? Are you open-minded enough to accept the possibility that God is all of it? And are you even more open-minded to accept that quite possibly you are [...]

What if God is gay?2024-10-31T15:12:11-06:00

4 Ways To Convert Routine Into Rejuvenation


There is nothing quite like routine to put you on the express lane to boredom, feeling low, a zero zest for life and most of all, disease and aging. Imagine yourself on a conveyor belt and the different points at which you do something are the different times of the day. Just a few of those points could be: 5 a.m – the alarm rings and you obediently place yourself on the conveyor belt, 7.30 a.m. – to set out for work, 11 a.m. – take a break for coffee, 4 p.m. – take another break for coffee or something more [...]

4 Ways To Convert Routine Into Rejuvenation2023-07-19T17:01:47-06:00

The Eternal Jigsaw Puzzle


It’s when you start on your conscious, awakened journey that they come flooding in. You had them before but not with quite this intensity or this range. And each one builds on the earlier, each a stepping stone to the next, fitting in another intricate piece of the jigsaw puzzle we set ourselves. They are what led to our awakening and they are our Questions.It was only when we started questioning ourselves, our lives or the ways of the world that we started the grand journey of awakening. It was only then that we realized that there could be more and [...]

The Eternal Jigsaw Puzzle2024-10-31T15:11:19-06:00
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