There are 7 levels of Consciousness for Humans to work through to Master Ascension and knowing of being Source through the Physical or Human Realms.

Each level of Consciousness has 7 sub degrees of thought limitation and action limitations and fears through limitedness and fears.
The Degrees and Levels of Consciousness have been locked down by energetic forces from both off planet beings as well as ill intended Human forces and organizations to keep you small and controllable.
Known commonly as “The Matrix” we now know these are multi-level multi-dimensional Quantum Vault Doors that have thought prisons and Conscious Locks for us.
Kasey, Channeling the Julius Collective, has the ability to unlock the Vault Doors and is doing this through energy processes and private sessions for you. Kasey uses her Theta brain state to access the visualizations of the Vault Doors. Then using energetic coding, light language and energetic connections directly with the beings who are your guardians, she can crack these combinations and open these doors. This then releases the attached energy within the door that has blocked you, trapped you, and harmed you for so long.

The human body has more than 1 DNA strand double Helix Polymer.

What if there are 3 for the 3rd dimensional body? And 2 of them have been put into a prison encasement of dormancy?
This would lead to your single strand being over-taxed, easily manipulated, and creating limitations in your health, energy field potential, the restructuring of your body and even perhaps your full ability to reach your physical, mental and emotional expansion in the physical life.
Julius is providing Kasey with the abilities to see into this energy field and process the ability to un-entrap, activate and unleash the potential of these strands.

Your Energy Upgrade Package Designed by Julius Just for YOU!

Have you ever dreamed of having an Ascended Masters group design energy sessions and practices specifically for you and your personal consciousness journey? 

This opportunity is now available for you! Uplevel and expand your activated frequency.

What’s included in this customized package?

  • Three 45 minute personal sessions with Julius – one to start your journey and discuss where you are and where you’d like to go, one at the end of the journey with suggestions to carry you forward, and one during the month at your choice of time.  
  • Seven energy sessions where Julius will read into your energy field and with your intentions create appropriate energy sessions just for you.  
  • You will meet with Kasey & Julius twice per week incorporating the energy sessions and personal discussion sessions for a total of 5 weeks / 10 sessions in all.

NEW! Personal coaching packages from Julius

This is an incredible life-changing offer to assist you in this new quarter of this year to manifest and shift old paradigms of limitation, unleashing new creative and successful energies for your life.  Julius’ teachings are sought after, and to be offered this one-on-one experience at such an incredible price is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Imagine getting the perspective of the ascended masters group Julius to personally lend their help in your life? To be able to have access to higher and broader understanding and help release the programming of limitation that humanity has fallen under.

Remember Millionaires don’t use Channels, but Billionaires do!

Two package options available: 4 session and 10 session options.