There’s much to be said and enjoyed about the state of victimhood.
– We have no responsibility. Almost everything is somebody else’s fault.
– It’s truly enjoyable. Otherwise, why in the name of all that is spiritual, would we wallow in it
for so long?
– We learn the fine arts of manipulation and emotional blackmail.
– We do not have to be creative about finding solutions to our problems. They are for others
to sort out.
– We get attention, loads of it from people who have loads of victimhood or guilt or sacrifice
running in their veins.
At some point in our journey, it’s finally not fun anymore. We become aware that people shun our
company because they can’t take all the complaining and blaming. At this point, misery stops loving
company. At this point, there is no more happiness or perverse satisfaction to be gained.
It is in this state that the seeds of empowerment take root.
It’s our soul’s calling for change that begins the journey back to being Source. Whether it is the harsh
circumstances, events and situations that seem to force the change or a vague remembrance that
this limited state is not all that we are or simply the lack of happiness, the transition to becoming
more starts. We change.
And all changes with us!