Do You Recognize When You Are Connected?
Do you look with awe and maybe even a touch of envy at the ‘chosen’ ones who seem to be able to connect with their guides easily and clearly? It just seems a tad bit unfair that others are pros at heavy- duty communication with higher wisdom while you’re still struggling to be a ‘good person’ and become more deserving. Whatever that means and whenever that happens.
In a recent teaching, Julius said, “Your soul is not an individual. It is part of a mass collaboration that is Source.”
Part of that mass collaboration is the guides that help us, whether we are aware of it or not, just as we contribute to their expansion through such exchanges. It’s an ongoing process and all you need to do is tune in. So what’s going to clear that channel of communication?
“Your soul is not an individual. It is part of a mass collaboration that is Source.” ~ Julius
1. Remove beliefs. The very first thing to remove from the equation is the belief that you have to be a special way or gifted or deserving. You are deserving. Period. Irrespective of whether you are very high in consciousness or lower. How do we get out of those low, low frequencies if not for this help? The second belief to remove is that you are inferior in any way because even if you have a limited perspective compared to your guides, all souls are equal. There is humility, gratitude and love in this exchange of giving and receiving guidance.
2. Invite. Send out an invitation to your guides to communicate with you during your dream state. Then set the intention that you remember your dreams when you awaken. That is the time when you are most open to receiving such contact and are not distracted by the goings on around you. Keep a notepad and pen on your bedside table or a recorder and quickly note all your dreams before falling back to sleep or before you fully awaken. You will begin to perceive the guidance as you get more adept at understanding your dreams. Or you might just wake up with an idea to solve the current problem!
Remain Open to Messages
3. Be aware. There’s no such thing as chance or coincidence. Be aware of all that is happening that is usually called ‘coincidence’. If you start noticing certain numbers appearing repetitively, coins, feathers around you, something you lost magically appears, they are sending you messages. Or they may communicate in ways you are not expecting. They like to be creative as all light beings are. As you gain more assurance in this process, you will perceive these too.
4. Another common way they communicate with you is through inspiring thoughts. You’re in a state of gloom or frustration when suddenly a memory flashes by or an uplifting thought pops up. Who do you think is doing that? Not you while you’re sunk in gloom and doom. A stranger says something to you, a sentence on a radio show, billboard or book. It’s a finely tuned arrangement, isn’t it? These are the little waves of the hand and loving assistance that increase as we become more aware of them.
There is humility, gratitude and love in this exchange of giving and receiving guidance.
5. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, raise your consciousness and frequency because not only will you be astonished by the increasing clarity and depth of communication, but also because it is the one thing that is guaranteed to resolve anything that has ever troubled you in life.
Your life is yours to create as a magnificent light being. If you get to the point of asking which pair of shoes to wear to an important meeting with a client, high frequency guides may just start withdrawing. They are there to empower, not disempower you. It is loving collaboration in its highest vibration.