The Vital Remembrance
What is the key to an adventurous, happy, fulfilled and fun-filled life? A vital remembrance!
“If you hold steadfast in your knowing of limited thought, limited experience and very limited acceptance, then your life will be a demonstration of that limitedness.” ~ Julius
Our lives are a demonstration of our knowing. If we know lack, limitation, low self-worth, mundaneness and stress, that is exactly how everything in our lives is going to play itself out in a mirror consciousness effect of all that we are signalling to the universe.
“By expanding and broadening your knowing, you become more. You become more and your life is a demonstration of what you are and what you know.” ~ Julius
What Caused the Forgetting?
We’ve come a long way away from the knowing that we are Source, that we are powerful light beings who can be and have anything that we choose. We’ve come a long way from knowing that we are the creators of everything that does exist in all of creation. It’s a truth we are more likely to reject than embrace because it’s mind-boggling, inconceivable, way out there.
At first, we think that it’s all those nutty people out there who propound ridiculous theories and there’s no way we’re going to become one of that tribe. This state of rejection has become a core part of our being because it has the huge force of brainwashing behind it. In lifetime after lifetime, if we got even a glimmer of truth about ourselves through inspirational thoughts and dreams and were brave enough to voice them, we got silenced by the powers that be. Not only that, in many cases, entire families paid the price for what was termed heresy at that time.
I’m Only Human…Is That A Truth?
We learned not to speak up, we learned to ignore the truth, we moved deep into limitation, lack and thinking ourselves as only human, at the mercy of the goodwill of others, especially a sometimes loving, more often punishing God. Our thoughts became more and more limited till we became patterned in our thinking, behaving and also our feeling. This last was especially disastrous for us because it was then that we severed our knowing of the soul. That’s when the altered ego gained such control over us that the soul rarely expressed itself.
“A soul is an emotional processor of a thought. That’s what you are as a light being.” ~ Julius
Over lifetimes, this limited truth of being a mere human being became an embedded truth. Limitation, sorrow, pain and suffering came to stay. We haven’t moved much from this state of being. We’ve known fear for a long, long time, we’ve been embedded with deep imprints of fear in our subconscious and we don’t know any other way of being. Especially that of a light being. What does that even mean?
When the Student is Ready…
In response to our calling out for help, teachers come in each civilization. They speak great, impossible truths which we hear and dismiss. Yet those words leave a delicate imprint in our memory about love and possibility, that we might be more. More such imprints collect over lifetimes, till one day we hear a concept and say to ourselves. ‘What if that were true?” Finally, the movement begins into awakening and the seeking of more answers.
As we awaken, we seek to open our minds and broaden our knowing. We now understand that as we expand our knowing of all that is possible, we truly transform ourselves and our lives. We step tentatively, a little unsteadily into the arena of love. It’s familiar and yet not so familiar. It is our soul finally being given a chance to express itself, but the fear-based altered ego mind, which has grown so strong through countless experiences, isn’t willing to give up its control easily.
Our Promise to Ourselves
There’s also the fact that we live in a predominantly fear-based environment that has a huge influence on us within our homes and as we step out to earn a living, engage in activities that will keep this body alive. Our consciousness seems to be bombarded by fear-based reactions from others around us, events playing out on the world stage or in our own backyard. The challenges seem enormous and difficult.
Yet we always have a trump up our sleeves that will help us through all quagmires of low-frequency experiences. It is the essence of who we are, our soul, Source within us that will lead us out surely and consistently through its magnificent essence of infinite love, if we finally allow it expression. The power of love is far greater and grander in its magnitude and strength than fear can ever be. And it is this state of being that will win the day.
That is a promise we made ourselves when we came to this physical plane, knowing that we would lose all remembrance of ourselves as God. And as the inner work begins, the gods who have forgotten themselves will remember and will show themselves and others the way of being and demonstrating Source in infinitely unique ways.
May this promise ignite you with passion, exhilaration and the momentum forward into love!